Open house?

<p>quick question:
I am going to the smg open house tomorrow morning and I don’t know where it begins
I was looking at the itinerary I have but I just realized that it is for the CAS as I originally enrolled in that college but transferred to the SMG so I have no idea where to go tomorrow morning
any help would be GREATLY appreciated</p>

<p>um I hope this doesn't sound too sarcastic but SMG would probably be a good start. If you don't know where that building is specifically it's about two blocks east of CAS and directly across from SCI Science and Engineering. It's on commonwealth ave and right next to sargent. Hope that helps.</p>

I just wasn't sure because a lot of other schools ive visited have started us off in the field house or cafeteria or something before taking us to the actual college
anyway thanks for your help</p>

<p>I would say start at SMG. On the 1st floor immediately to the right, the UPO can answer any question you have.</p>