Operations Research or Applied Economics for Business & Finance?

<p>1) Is Operations Research & Industrial Engineering just as good a background, for finance and business generally as AEM? Is it better? Worse? Why?</p>

<p>2) Is the main difference that ORIE is more quantitative, and AEM broad (ie. covering psychology)? </p>

<p>3) What are the relative merits of each if one wants to go into business? Are there differences in pay and possible location?</p>

<p>4) Does ORIE provide the opportunity to pursue either business or engineering? Or would a major such as mechanical engineering allow one to pursue business (ie. non- strictly engineering employment) without much trouble from employers?</p>

<p>5) Any miscellaneous comments?</p>

<p>I got into the College of Engineering and am currently interested in ORIE (I may have applied under mechanical, but I don't think that matters).</p>

<p>Edit: I see that ORIE's mean is about $7.6k higher and its median $9.25k higher (<a href="http://www.engineering.cornell.edu/student-services/engineering-coop-career-services/employers/upload/ORIE%20-%20BS%20-%2004.pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.engineering.cornell.edu/student-services/engineering-coop-career-services/employers/upload/ORIE%20-%20BS%20-%2004.pdf&lt;/a> and <a href="http://aem.cornell.edu/undergrad/careers.htm)%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://aem.cornell.edu/undergrad/careers.htm)&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;/p>

<p>You don't know?</p>