Opinion on AP load

<p>This year, I am taking the following AP classes:</p>

<p>AP Chemistry
AP Statistics
AP Calculus BC
AP Physics B
AP Latin Vergil (Latin 4)
AP English Literature</p>

<p>Now... these are the tests I plan to take.</p>

<p>AP Chemistry
AP Statistics
AP Calculus BC
AP English Literature</p>

AP Physics C: Mechanics
AP Physics C: E & M
*Basically I would just be adding Calculus onto my original knowledge in the two physics exams.
AP Human Geography
AP Government Comparative
*I am planning on taking these two courses because I want to get out of the humanities credits in college since I am going into ChemE anyway.</p>

<p>Is this too much or is it manageable in your opinion? I took only 5 APs last year, so I don't know how this will be. Although, Calculus and Chemistry come extremely easily to me and Statistics really isn't that bad either. Also, English Literature is a test that you can't really study at all for, so at least I don't really have to do anything with that. Opinions please, but I will ultimately be making the decision. Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>Personally, I’d shoot myself if I had to study for all those APs throughout the year.</p>

<p>But if you find a majority of these subjects fairly “easy” to study for and pass, along with having good study habits and good time management, then I guess I don’t see why not. However, do you think you’ll get time to do extracurriculars or just chill out with this course load? It seems like you’ll be studying/doing homework almost everyday if you have to learn all this in one year. You should enjoy at least some aspects of senior year rather than be occupied studying all the time.</p>

<p>Humanities classes in college can be very interesting too, and colleges offer way more types of classes you can choose from. It’s not that bad to take a few classes in college that aren’t part of the chem track. If you find that your course load is heavy, I suggest you drop studying AP human geo and gov comparative. They’re not important to your intended concentration.</p>

<p>Also keep in mind, you don’t need to take an excessive load of AP classes to impress adcoms.</p>

<p>I do not think the load would be too unbearable. My reasoning for studying the two extras is because I have looked at the humanities needed in that certain subject and none of them interest me. Also, my brothers always found the humanities to be the most annoying classes in college and I also am not a fan. If I do have to drop one it would probably be comparative government. Thank you for your comment!</p>

<p>Oh, and I definitely am not trying to do this to impress anyone. From previous posts of mine on this section it’s pretty clear I don’t support loads of APs to impress.</p>

<p>you’re going to have some minimum workload problem, but you will manage fine.</p>