Opinion please.. PSU Main vs UDel Honors

Hello, I also posted this under a different thread so apologies for the duplicate… Looking for some advice from those who have perhaps been in the same position… DD got into UDel Honors (Lerner Business) and also PSU Main Campus (not Smeal Business, but College of Liberal Arts, Econ). We are instate PA but her UDel merit money makes the net costs equal. Pros and cons? I know it’s a general question but would welcome any feedback regarding program, internships, mentoring and advising. Thank you.

I’d go with UDel: the Honors College will provide her with much better learning conditions than Penn State regular and if she wants to study Economics, she can do so at UDel within the college of business.
In addition they offer some really interesting Majors:
Did she apply to Schreyer?
If she didn’t, she has the option of being an Aspirant Paterno Fellow, taking the Schreyer freshman seminar and the Freshman Economics Honors sequence - if she does well, she can stay in Schreyer. That opportunity is the only reason I’d consider Economics rather than Honors at UDel.