Opinions on Binghamton Advantage?

I just got into this program, and my parents are unimpressed, but seeing how binghamton was my #1 choice, i was wondering what other people thoughts on the program are?

I think “advantage” is a misnomer. Classes at community college? There is quite a difference in the courses at community college and courses at a strong 4 year university. Naturally there may be some classes at community college that are rigorous but overall, there is big difference. But it may depend upon your major and interests. There are a few other threads about this program on this site. You should also read about Broome Community college in some of the review sites like NICHE. Academics are a huge part of college. I question the appropriateness of spending 2 years at a community college if you are ready for a 4 year university. But for students who can use some remedial help in some topics, community college can help students establish a firm academic foundation first before going to college.

When a college talks about being highly rated, they mean the academics. If you are at community college you are not getting the academics of the school. It would be like going out to a fine restaurant but instead of eating the gourmet cuisine, once you are there they serve you McDonalds. yes you get atmosphere and the bill but the food is different.

well actually it is a little different than that. so i got into the binghamton advantage too and I asked my friend what it was like because she is also doing it and she said its just fine. It is a little annoying to leave campus almost every day and take classes at broom, but she said the education is fine and she is very involved at binghamton. She does not feel any different at all, since you live and have friends on campus! Also, you have to maintain an average of 3.2 GPA and have like 16 credits, ( i think ) and you automatically transfer into binghamton the next year. So you basically graduate with a binghamton degree. It really isn’t so different from taking classes at binghamton. Honestly, if you accept the offer, you’r basically going to binghamton. Also this program is actually very competitive. They offer it to a few hundreds students but they only accept like a 100 so who ever pays their deposit first gets a spot. I think if you really love binghamton, you should take. I was also a little wary at first but i really want to go here so i am not turning it down!

@sarahnahmias thanks so much, that is really helpful, im gonna talk to my parents about it tomorrow!

I think one can approach this question from a few considerations.

  1. Would you choose Bing (regular admission) over the primary alternative? Let's use Psychology as an example major, and the primary alternative as Stony Brook.

Look at the school rankings in the major and in departments you are likely to take classes (I used US News, below for both schools).



For this example, on academic factors, it would be quite clear what the choice would be.

Assume this does not tell you to rule out Bing (e.g., school of business).

Few considerations:
A. Be sure the likelihood to make the grade to transfer is high, and you have a plan B if it does not.
B. Get comfortable with travel to class every day
C. You may have some difficulty finding students ahead of you (sophomores etc.) to get advice from on classes
D. The class of students at BCC will be “mixed” versus the Bing class or the primary alternative class
E. Do not underestimate the difference between a CC and a regular Bing class.
F. You will need to be on top of advising questions once you get to Bing, you would have gone a year without
G. IF the Bing Advantage offered are at the credentials cutoff published for Bing, the primary alternatives are likely to be several schools that might beat out regular admission Bing in a given major on academic grounds
H. Notice that the more highly ranked or competitive the Bing program (e.g., business), the larger the delta between Bing and BCC will likely be, and the weaker the Bing program (any program ranked outside say the top 100) the higher the likelihood that one of your alternatives is a better academic choice straight up.

I can see a couple of scenarios one might still take it up. For example, you live close, can stay at home, paying room and board is a significant strain on your available resources. You would still need a plan B in place!!

The other scenario I can see is where this represents clearly the best alternative you have. Either there is nothing close to academically equivalent to BAP, or the alternatives are much more expensive (OOS public, or private, finaid does not close the gap, $s are a major factor, as often they are).

I do not underestimate psychological factors, you may have had your heart set on Bing for various reasons. Time to broaden the criteria, examine the alternatives with a clear criteria (some may be your subjective ones, make sure the academic ones are properly represented).

Food for thought.

sarahnahmas. Binghamton may not have many students in the program but there are a lot of students at BCC. It is not a competitive program. It is pretty much open admission. The classes are taught to the level you might expect at an open admission program since nearly everyone else in the class will be BCC students. The faculty are not Binghamton University faculty they are BCC faculty. Maybe that is better than BU faculty but they are not the same. Socially students may have the Binghamton experience. But academically you have a community college experience. Students lacking skills needed for a 4 year college often go to community college. Some go because it is a cheaper way to get a degree. You can usually live at home and pay reduced fees and no room and board fees. But to pay the full price of Binghamton University to get a community college academic experience seems the worst of both worlds. Are you concerned about classes and academics or just social things. If you are going for academics, research the school you will take classes at not just the place you will socialize. On the plus side, most students aiming for a 4 year college will get straight A’s with little work at BCC. There are even text books made especially for community colleges that are far easier than those that would be used at a place like Binghamton.

ratings and opinions:

information about the classes you would be taking:

I am never sure what links I can and can’t post. But the one not available is just the BCC home page I think. Sorry about that and sorry if I was not supposed to post that.

I’m confused by what it means? So am i student at Binghamton University or Broome Community College or both? If someone asks where you go to school what do you say? I had no idea Binghamton offered this…It seems really odd to me.

Honestly, it’s not worth it. Basically, they wanted to reject you; they don’t want your stats going in their common data set. Only, they want your money, and hope that you’ll being willing to pay their tuition for a community college education. Harsh, but the truth.

Why would anyone wanting to go to a 4 year college be willing to pay 4 year college prices to attend a community college? It is odd that any school would suggest that for a student unless the student needed remedial classes. Community colleges can be great for students not ready for a more rigorous curriculum but most students at community college were not A high school students. And like nj818, I don’t get why a university would do this. It seems like greed. If you call yourself a public Ivy, then don’t accept students you think need 2 years of community college for remedial work.

I feel like I worked too hard in high school just to go to a community college. Stony Brook is sounding better to me

binghamton should be identifying some talented students in community college and encouraging them to come to Binghamton not taking capable academically inclined students and putting them into community college. I just don’t understand how they are justifying what they are doing.

I think there are staff from admissions on this site. Can you comment on why you’d suggest students fully capable of a rigorous 4 year curriculum should take classes at a community college?

Did you receive an email or something in the mail? I haven’t received anything yet.

I haven’t receive anything either and it is really annoying so I emailed the school.

It is extremely annoying especially since they want a decision quickly.

Naturally nobody should accept a slot so they don’t miss out while researching and then renege. But no school should be pressuring students to make a decision before May 1st. If they are, then they should understand some students may find ways to hold slots while they research the program and look at their options. Pressure to commit with the idea that the slots will disappear is nothing short of unethical. May 1st is not for a full month!

What they are doing is unethical. Report this pressure-don’t just bow to it.

“Colleges that subscribe to the Candidate’s Reply Date Agreement (which is most but not all) are not allowed to demand a deposit --refundable or not–before May 1. The National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) urges parents in this position to report offenders to their school counselors or directly to NACAC.”

go to the first page and read the blog:


See this on this very site: http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/parents-forum/1615432-are-you-being-pressured-to-send-a-deposit-before-may-1.html

Has anyone received an email yet?