Opinions on PRISM

<p>I'm going to be a freshman at Miami coming up this fall. I plan on going to med school, so I know i'll have to take my premed/mcat requirements, but I want to major in something outside the typical premed track. I've heard a lot of negative opinions on PRISM, so I just wanted to see if any current students could give me any advice. Thanks</p>

<p>I’m on the same boat, CJ. Is anyone here on CC in the PRISM program?</p>

<p>what negative opinions did you hear? i’ve only heard positive things.</p>

<p>i personally have heard that it’s extremely stressful and unnecessary to an extent. i’m conflicted however because the idea of it really appeals to me. the fact that you would be taking all of your pre-med requirements alongside the same small group of students who are all interested in a career in medicine and are taking an equally challenging curriculum, so that you’ve got a sort of built in support group of people with your same interests, sounds excellent. so does the ability to finish all of your pre-med requirements in two years. but i’m concerned about the toll it would take on my GPA, my stress levels, my social life, etc. med schools care more about GPA than participation in such programs, and would hold everyone to the same high standards, which makes me feel like it would be unwise to take classes that could potentially lower my GPA significantly or just make my freshman year more stressful than it should be. also, i don’t know if it would be stupid of me to give up the chance to use my AP credits and move on to more advanced courses. PRISM would require that i relinquish those credits. </p>

<p>i’m just terribly confused at the moment /:</p>

<p>Did any of you make a decision on prism? My daughter is thinking about it and am curious about how tough it could be.</p>

<p>I heard a lot about the PRISM program at the accepted students orientation a few weekends ago. None of the deans and representative of the a&s school said anything negative about it (obviously). I think it depends on the person and whether or not it suits them. </p>

<p>I’m a pre-med but I’m also going to be a transfer this coming fall. I dont think transfers can be in Prism considering that prism concentrates on pre-reqs. I also believe you have to be invited to join but I’m not 100% sure.</p>

<p>Can any current PRISM students comment on the program. What are the positive aspects, research opportunities, etc.?Also what are the negatives?</p>