
<p>I just got an acceptance email to PRISM (Advanced Program for Integrated Science and Mathematics). It gave a list of an courses involved in this specialized curriculum. If anyone has some insight or any knowledge about PRISM, I'd appreciate it.</p>

<p>Okay here’s the deal with PRISM: It’s an honors pre med program. If you don’t want to do pre-med, dont do it! If you want to study a science or math…I recommend it.</p>

<p>You get all your pre-med requirements done by the end of sophmore year (my friend is a sophmore and is taking his MCATs in the summer). This means you will have a stacked science/math schedule with usually 1 elective per semester of your choice (ie…geography, poly sci, religion, music, psych, etc)
This means by the end of your soph year you will have done 2 semesters of Calc, 2 of Bio, 2 of chem, 2 of physics and 2 of organic chem and 1 of biochem.</p>

<p>The good thing is the PRISM program is an honors program, so your classes will be much smaller. 50-60 in a class versus 150-200 in another.
All the teachers in PRISM know each other and know what the other classes are doing so you won’t get tests all in the same week. They will spread the tests out for you. Another nice option is you will be in the same classes as a lot of your PRISM peers so you may get to know them a lot better.</p>

<p>Hope this helps</p>

<p>Could you apply to PRISM and the Dual Degree Medicine program?</p>

<p>Also, if you meet the requirements do you just automatically get accepted into the PRISM, or is there a special supplemental application?</p>

<p>You can’t apply to Prisim, you’re offered entrance… and I’m not sure if it works with the dual degree program. Someone actually recently asked me about this on facebook… here was my reply…</p>

<p>“Ok, so I’ve been told that Prism is really not a great thing to do. You should definitely try it - once you go in, you can leave, but if you don’t go in, you can’t get back in. But the program is extremely targeted for pre-med students… so if you’re pre-med, great. If not, then it’s not really worth it. The advantage… for pre-meds is that it gets all of your requirements out of the way by the end of sophomore year… and then you only have to fulfill the general education requirements and your major requirements and you’re done. It also looks extremely good when applying for a job or applying to grad school. Most people who go into it really hate it - but I still recommend you try it, then leave later if you feel like it.”</p>

<p>I just got an invitation into PRISM, and I’m an aspiring pre-med student. However, I’m also somewhat interested in architecture. Is it smart for me to go into PRISM because of this? Also, I hear the classes are harder, which means my GPA won’t be as high as it would if I take regular classes. Since GPA is such a big factor in getting into med school, would it really be beneficial to enter PRISM and end up with a lower GPA or to take regular classes and get a better GPA?</p>

<p>the PRISM classes arent necessarily harder than regular ones…altho they may be. some say its easier because all the PRISM professors talk to each other so they don’t schedule exams in the same week. </p>

<p>Also unless u wanna spend like 7 years here…its almost impossible to do premed and architecture. Architecture degree is 5 years here and those students take mostly architecture classes…</p>

<p>You may be able to take a few classes in the arch. school tho</p>

<p>The thing is, I dont want to do BOTH premed and architecture, but I want the option of being able to see both and what each side can offer. Basically, what I want to do is go pre-med, but also have my options open for other fields such as architecture. Does prism allow for that?</p>