<p>I took an Oral Communication class when I was thinking of transferring to a CSU, however, now I am not. Will that class be factored in to my Transfer GPA or is it non-transferable to the UC?</p>
<p>I took an Oral Communication class when I was thinking of transferring to a CSU, however, now I am not. Will that class be factored in to my Transfer GPA or is it non-transferable to the UC?</p>
<p>Yes. Even if it doesn't receive uc transfer credit it will be factored into your gpa.</p>
<p>Check assist.org to check if it is transferable or not.</p>
<p>non transferable classes count?..</p>
<p>everything counts in the gpa. unless it is take pass/no pass. for example even a class below intermediate algebra will count if you take it for a grade or one below english 101.</p>
<p>now tat raises a few ?s..</p>
<li>non-transferable classes dont affect tag , rite?</li>
<li>do non transferable classes show up on UC transcript...for example I took a business class that was not transferable...will that show up on my Uc transcript...</li>
<p>not tat it realli matters..................</p>
<p>classes that does not transfer is not factored into your Transfer GPA</p>
<p>check if you class is transferable or not because some speech classes transfer and some doesn't</p>
<p>glau121 - the courses/grade for non-transferable course will still show up in your transcript even those courses didn't count for the uc credits and transfer gpa</p>
<p>A common misconception is that UC's only look at UC transferable GPA. This is true for some cases, UC Berkeley College of Letters and Sciences only uses UC transferable GPA but their engineering program looks at overall GPA. Different UCs and different colleges within a UC schools use overall GPA or only UC transferable GPA in the admission process.</p>
<p>accrd..to my transfer counselor, non transferable classes do not show up on the UC transcipt...any truth to this?</p>
<p>Everything shows up. Unless, of course, you've done academic renewal.</p>
<p>Academic renewal...about that...I've done that at my school, but I still listed the classes that I 'renewed' on my application. Was that wrong? The schools decide if they are going to accept you before they receive your transcripts right? Or will they see that I 'corrected' my GPA/transcripts when I send them in, then make the decision?</p>
<p>wasnt quite sure. My CC didn't really explain to me how that worked...</p>
<p>Your counselor was right glau121 only UC transferable courses will show up on your UC transcript. However you are admitted based on your community college transcript or whatever institution you attended.</p>
<p>Okay. . .so now I am even more so confused. Lol.</p>
<p>And how do I find out if the College to which I am applying will factor in non-UC transferable courses into my GPA or not?</p>
<p>Somewhere in these forums there is a list of UC schools and colleges within the schools that tells you if they use your UC transferable GPA or overall GPA.</p>
<p>I think there are several different concerns and questions being discussed at the same time and are contributing to the confusion. I’ll try to clarify and remove any confusion.</p>
<p>First I’ll start by discussing transcripts. The UC transcripts will not show any courses that are not taken at our campus. Therefore when/if you apply to a graduate or pre-professional level program you will need to send your UC transcripts and CCC transcripts so they have record of all the courses you have completed. Our transcript will show your UC GPA (GPA from courses taken at any UC campus) and your cumulative GPA but, again will not list the individual courses. It will list the other schools you attended and the units you received from that school but not the courses.</p>
<p>Next I’ll discuss admission. At UC Davis we actually use both your overall cumulative GPA and UC transferable GPA. We use your overall cumulative as a beginning screening tool if we restrict our applications. For example, if your cumulative GPA is lower than the UC requirement of 2.4 (California Residents) then most likely you would not be admitted (if you UC Transferable is over a 2.8 you would need to file an appeal for consideration). If you pass the initial review with your cumulative GPA we then review your application using the UC transferable GPA.</p>
<p>The admissions process and transcripts are two different issues. Again courses will not be listed on a UC transcript unless they were taken at that UC campus.</p>
<p>Thanks for the post, it answers a lot of questions.</p>