Question about speech requirement for transfer

<p>I took a speech class, only because of my AA and CSU requirement... I got a C... yeah talking in front of people is just something I'm not very good at... Do they even count the speech class towards my gpa for UC's?</p>

<p>Regardless of the fact that UC does not require it, the speech class in all likelihood is transferable. In which case, your class WILL AFFECT your UC GPA</p>

<p>The majority of Speech classes offered at most CC’s are UC-transferable- so yes, it will affect your GPA. It may not count toward IGETC or your major, but the units will still transfer over.
If you check your college’s catalog, some schools list “CSU/UC transferable” next to the courses. You could also e-mail your counselor with the course number. </p>

<p>The good news is that a few C’s on your transcript are not going to butcher your GPA completely if you are generally an A/B student. While the grade may be disappointing to you, plugging numbers into a basic GPA calculator can show you how many more units you need to earn of “A” work to “make up” the points lost for the C.</p>