Does anyone know about any orchestra library summer programs? Preferably free ones. The only one I know about is Tanglewood's, and I'd really like to apply for some next year. Let me know if you can think of any! Thanks.</p>
<p>Chautauqua hires a librarian out of its participant pool:
[Chautauqua</a> Music Festival - Work Study](<a href=“http://music.ciweb.org/work-study/]Chautauqua”>http://music.ciweb.org/work-study/)</p>
<p>Cosmos, try the Musical Chairs site, specifically the librarian/archivist category. It is updated as openings are available [Orchestral</a> Jobs US](<a href=“http://www.musicalchairs.info/OrchJobsUSNavEnglish.htm]Orchestral”>http://www.musicalchairs.info/OrchJobsUSNavEnglish.htm)</p>
<p>(It won’t let me post a direct link to that specific category, just the main page.)</p>