I forgot to buy textbooks early this semester and shipping will take about a week after school starts… will i fall behind? When do you typically need the textbook?
It depends on the class, but you should be fine. Professors often tell the students which textbook they’ll need in the class during the first lecture, even though the information is available online. They typically give some allowance time after that before giving textbook based assignments. If your class requires it immediately, then email or approach your professor and explain your situation. I’m sure he/she will understand.
It should be fine. Sometimes you need the textbook on the very first day, sometimes you barely need it the entire semester, so it all depends. These things happen though, so if it becomes an issue talk to the professor. If there are readings assigned immediately, ask a classmate if you can take pictures of the relevant pages.
Make sure you do the readings and any homework - ask the prof for a photocopy, share with a classmate, check to see if the book is on reserve in the library. For the first week it shouldn’t be a problem.
Often there are copies on reserve at the library. It should not be an issue.
After my first quarter in school, I always bought books after classes had started so I could be sure that I needed the book before I bought it. It was never a problem.
Just make sure you keep up with the work, if there’s anything you need to do (like an assignment or something). Check the library for any copies they have on reserve or ask to make a photocopy of the professor’s text, the TA’s, or another students’.