Ordering books for spring classes

<p>Sorry if this has already been covered.
Time has gotten away from me, and we’re less than two weeks before school starts.
Would you recommend ordering books online from the SupeStore this late in time, or having son just go in and buy them, making sure to put enough money in his BamaCash to cover them?</p>

<p>Not worried about used books or off campus book sellers. We prefer to buy all books at the SupeStore.</p>

<p>Thanks for any input.</p>

<p>Order them online…there’s no reason not to.</p>

<p>Mom, I was worried that if I ordered them at this late date, the orders from the Supestore would not be processed in time for class. What has your experience been with ordering in early January for spring books with your two sons? The Supestore site is having technical problems, so I can’t order them now, but I’m worried if I wait until the 3rd, when the business offices open again, it will be too late for them to come in in time.</p>

<p>Thanks for any help!</p>

<p>What is your alternative?</p>

<p>If you wait until showing up at school and the school doesn’t have the books, they’ll have to be ordered at that point.</p>

<p>If you order them soon, if they have them in stock, they’ll set them aside for your child.</p>

<p>Do you understand that if you order a book that is IN STOCK, then your child gets the book?</p>

<p>Maybe I’m not understanding you…but it sounds like you think that if you order a book, it won’t be there in time, but if you show up at the Supe store in Jan, you can just buy it off the shelf.</p>

<p>I got the impression that the Supestore gets overwhelmed with online orders up too close to class time, so I was hoping for some anecdoctal help from upperclassmen as to what their experience has been when ordering books during winter break.</p>

<p>My son never has had trouble ordering during winter break. But in all honesty, some of the best buys he has had have come through other sources than the SupeStore. He just picked up one of his math textbooks used through Amazon … and saved more than $100. So do keep that in mind when your son looks for books. Why spend extra money if you can find it through a different source?</p>

<p>I’m confused.</p>

<p>If the choice is ordering online thru the Supe Store on the 3rd or waiting to go into the Supe Store around the 10th, why wouldn’t you order them on the 3rd?</p>

<p>If you order online and they don’t have his order ready when he goes to pick it up, he can just pick his books up off the shelf and cancel his online order. The online order should be available for pickup however.</p>

<p>I’ve stopped purchasing from the Supestore unless I can’t get the book anywhere else. I can save both time and money by ordering my textbooks new from Amazon and have them arrive in two days. Other options can be even cheaper.</p>


<p>If he orders the books and the books are on the shelf, Supe takes them off the shelf and bags them for the kid and has them ready for pick up. You don’t have to take it off the shelf yourself. Supe doesn’t wait for the order to come in for them to bag it if it’s in stock.</p>

<p>However, if for some odd reason a book isn’t in your bag that is on the shelf (which has never happened to us), then yes, you can just buy it off the shelf and cancel your order.</p>

<p>There’s no reason not to order as soon as you’re able.</p>

<p>Thanks for answering my question, guys. Can’t believe school starts in less than 2 weeks!</p>