Ordering of UC Activities?

Curious if anyone has information on the ordering of the Activities on the UC app - now that there are 20 slots for listing everything (honors, activities, work, volunteer). I know that the Common App asks for “order of importance” and has the activities and honors separately - so I am curious if you have thoughts on this for the 20 slots. I find “order of importance” hard when mixing honors and others. Thanks for any insight!

Everyone will have a difference of opinion but against conventional wisdom, our private college counselor likes to mix-up the EC and other activities down the list. For example, my D20’s Academic Decathlon experience is listed 5th or 6th down the list where one would expect it to be Top 3 based on her profile on the common App.

With that said, I don’t know how important the order is as long as they see all of your activities and can easily find them again if arguing your case for acceptance with the committee.

@socaldad2002 that is my inclination.

I don’t know this as a fact but I assume the reader is going to see the list the same way we do when we click “review.” You can start with the most important and work your way down, start with one category (ex. other coursework) and list according to category or bundle related courses, activities and awards together. I would just list them in a way that looks cohesive and easy to read.

I’m wondering whether the PIQ readers also see what is written in the activities section or if they just receive the PIQ to review.