Orgo and bio manageable together for incoming freshman?

<p>So I'm just wondering if taking bio 171 and chem 210 and doing well in both of them is manageable for freshman year. Also would taking both these classes seriously limit my social life with making new friends and getting involved in campus? The other 2 courses I'm taking is asianlang 136 and research. Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>You should be okay. The average is kinda low in both classes though: B-</p>

<p>Wow that sounds tough guess I’ll need to utilize the tutoring resources a lot since I’ll be aiming for at least a A- in both.</p>

<p>I had those two courses my first semester as well. Don’t buy into the notion that orgo is impossible. If you are halfway competent, put the time and effort in to read and reread your notes, do MOST/ALL of the coursepack, you’re already better off than I would say 75% of the class. It’s really not that bad.</p>

<p>Bio 171 on the other hand was sort of rough. I’m terrible at memorizing stuff and had to really try. Again, if you have good study habits/time management, pulling off As in these courses while being social and active is hard but not impossible. As a freshman, I would suggest that your goal first semester should be to hang out and socialize about twice as much as you study. Enjoy yourself</p>