<p>sry this is another orientation question...</p>
<p>So I'm in Steinhardt and the orientation days are in June, July, and August. I live in California so obviously it wouldn't be very convenient for me to visit for two days and come back, etc and also that plane tickets are really getting expensive these days because of ...yanno oil. So I was wondering, is it incredibly bad if I choose to attend orientation in August (before/during Welcome Week?</p>
<p>1) Are all the popular classes really taken?
2) Has anyone in Steinhard's Communication ever been to orientation in August and gotten extremely unlucky with choosing classes etc, who can confirm this or share their experiences?
3) Do you really miss out on the whole Welcome Week experience and making friends since, instead of participating in all these fun activities, you'll be...registering for classes?</p>
<p>It really would be ideal if i could just make one trip to NYC (for move-in) and not individual trips. It really costs a lot these days, and my mom is really getting nervous about this whole money issue--- esp. since I'm already neck-high with loans.</p>