"Other Colleges" Question

<p>I'm seeking opinions on how to answer a particular question.</p>

<p>Oberlin's supplement includes the question "To what other colleges are you applying?"</p>

<p>I am applying to 8 other colleges, mainly to keep my options (including financial options) open. However, Oberlin is definitely one of my favorites. </p>

<p>I feel that I have the credentials to get into Oberlin, but I am nervous about what the readers might think of my answer to this question. If I list all 8 other schools, they might think that I am not sincere about their school, especially since a few schools on my list are slightly more competitive and prestigious. However, Oberlin IS one of my top choices, and I tried to convey that in my essay. Still, there is no way for the application readers to tell whether or not the essay itself is sincere (unless somehow they can...)!</p>

<p>I could list only a few of my other colleges, but that would be dishonest and I really don't want to do that.</p>

<p>Then again, I could leave the question blank, in which case they might suspect that I'm hiding something - like that I'm applying to many other schools or schools generally considered more prestigious.</p>

<p>Which do you think will look better - listing the colleges, or not listing them? Would they consider rejecting me because I don't appear interested enough to attend Oberlin, or would leaving a blank space be an even worse idea?</p>


<p>I think your best option is just to list all eight. The folks who read applications expect that you'll be applying to other schools (unless you apply ED, obviously), and eight isn't that many, given how competitive admissions are right now and the fact that you've got financial need. I know people who applied to Oberlin as one of ten or twelve schools, listed them all on their application, and got in - so it doesn't necessarily hurt. Just make sure your passion for Oberlin comes through in your essay. It is okay to say outright, "Oberlin is one of my top choices and I would love to be a student here" (or something like that) if that's how you feel... If you have the chance to visit and do an interview, that would definitely help as well.</p>

<p>If you list the other schools you're applying to, one thing admissions officers can use it for is to figure out how good of a fit Oberlin is. A list that includes other small LACs like Vassar, Swarthmore, Macalester, Wesleyan, etc. could help your application - it shows that you're looking for a "type" of school similar to Oberlin, and would likely be happy here. Whereas if the other eight were places like Johns Hopkins or the University of Michigan, they'd probably think that Oberlin wouldn't be a good match.</p>

<p>If the field limit is 500 words should I write an actual essay or do you think a list is sufficient?</p>

<p>For “other schools”? A list.
The question about other schools is most likely for internal use for Oberlin admissions – not a real factor in selection. But everything you put on an application should be carefully considered. The idea that Oberlin admissions will not accept you if you apply to what you may consider “more competitive” schools out of some sort of “Tufts syndrome” is a fallacy – Oberlin is a first tier LAC; I know students who have chosen it over Harvard, Princeton, U of Chicago, Pomona, UC Berkeley, UCLA, Juilliard and other fine schools, so don’t underestimate the competition or what will make you look competitive to the admissions office.</p>