Other Recommender Option- AP Art History teacher?

So many colleges, such as Cornell and Vanderbilt, have the option to include another recommender ( i.e “Arts Teacher, Clergy, Coach, College Access Counselor, Employer, Family Member, Peer, Other”)

So my question, is would it be fine to include 2 different teachers in the teacher recommendation section and include my AP Art History teacher in the “Other” section or will admissions officers be annoyed at having to read another teacher recommendation since AP Art History isn’t really an art per se where you draw or paint.
Any insight?

If the Art History teacher adds something that the other 2 teachers did not say, it’s fine, IMO. If s/he is not going to add anything new about you, then I would not include it. That would hold true for any additional recommender.

thank you this is what i was expecting to hear. only trouble is, i don’t know what they what they will write. #:-S