Other Sources of Fee Waivers?

<p>Hello! I am not Hispanic but I have found many threads in this forum to be very helpful. I would like to know if anyone has information regarding sources of fee waivers other than the NACAC fee waivers. I know there are a few targeted towards low-income/URM applicants (like Ventures Scholars) but I can't find too many. Any information would be much appreciated!</p>

<p>I don’t know about fee waivers, but this is a good site for free applications:</p>

<p>[Free</a> College Applications](<a href=“http://www.porcelina.net/freeapps/]Free”>Free College Applications)</p>

<p>Be sure to check the websites of schools of interest, to be sure information is up-to-date.</p>


<p>Also check for priority applications; they usually have fee waivers attached to them. Second just ask the school. I found for a couple of my DS’s applications we asked the school because he had been involved at a program at a different school which the college also did and they agree to give him a waiver. Finally h.s. admissions counselors can make calls on your behalf (if justified) to get waivers for you.</p>