out of curiosity... how many of you followed your "passion"?

<p>... and ended up in a job where you are truly "fulfilled"? that job that i keep hearing about - where you would WANT to wake up in the morning and go to, and feel the time pass by because of genuine enjoyment? or is this some kind of fantasy idea? how many people actually find this?</p>

<p>My guess is not many (if what you mean is like on a hobby level).</p>

<p>I can't imagine too many people who found this passion of a job and got it. Even if someone did manage that very difficult task, considering the fact that the job is now forced, i.e. you have to do it for a living, you can hardly call it a passion (athletes, entertainers & astronauts/scientists aside). What happens if you get bored of it? I love chocolate, but make me eat it 3 times a day, 5 days a week and there would be a problem.
Don’t get me wrong, I'm not trying to say people don't love/like their jobs or find something they want to do but the circumstances are probably different. A combination of compensation, lifestyle, prestige, challenge and creativity involved would contribute to a great job. It wouldn’t be love, but people would be willing to do it for money.</p>

<p>An easy way to tell if someone really does enjoy their job so much is to ask, if you won a billion dollars tomorrow, would you stay at work? 90% of the people would quit their job and either go into retirement (travel, family etc) or start their own firm selling whatever they want to sell, working for 6 hours a day, 10 months a year.</p>

<p>I consider myself very blessed. I love my job. My passion is realizing my employer's mission. My career path excites me and inspires me. I wouldn't want to work anywhere else.</p>

<p>But, yes, I think that's pretty rare. My field encourages passion and work-a-holism, but some do take it as "just a job." I think its unfortunate that more people don't love their jobs.</p>

<p>Edited to add: I've had this passion since childhood, and I've followed it though high school, college, and now grad school. I fully intent do pursue it for the entirety of my career.</p>