<p>Hi everyone. I wanted some advice on my chances into getting into these schools below? I figure I'm okay, but now that I've finished sending in my apps, I don't have to worry or be anal anymore about them and I'm ready to hear whatever from the forums as you are all much more knowledgeable than me with this stuff!</p>
<p>I went to Marquette for a year and a half, Beloit for a semester and withdrew completely so no credit there, and then Marquette for another semester before dropping out. So about 2 and a half years, with some CC credit and AP credit totaling around 80 credits completed; I may have gotten one or two C's at MU, but nearly all A's, and all A's in honors. My GPA at Marquette, from what I remember, was a 3.7 or a 3.8, and I was in the honors program. My essay explains the whole situation. I talk about overcoming fear, depression, alcoholism-- and I tie it in incredibly well with my intended major--anthropology--and do it within 6 pages double-spaced (like 2000 words). I basically describe what hindered me from going to school and reaching my potential before, and how I have pushed through and overcome those obstacles in my personal life, and now am ready to do so in my academic life. I have a lot of life circumstances that prevented me from going to school the last three years as well, and now I have the opportunity to go back. So my essay is very good, I have been told by others as well. Anyway, it doesn't matter as I already submitted! So these are my schools:</p>
<p>University of Illinois at Chicago
Loyola University
Northern Illinois University</p>
<p>UIC has such a low transfer rate that I figured my essay would make or break me! I got accepted into Loyola back in '07 as a freshman but went to MU instead, obviously. My mother (who passed away a couple of months ago as well) went to Northern and they didn't even ask me for a personal statement or essay... </p>
<p>Any feedback would be much appreciated. Like I said, I've been out of the college loop for quite a while. Thanks :-).</p>