<p>Just wondering, how many out of state applicants does UMich usually get, and how many of them usually get accepted?</p>
<p>Maybe 16,000 or so apply. About half admitted.</p>
<p>zoombie, you have any recent posts like that? That goes all the way back to 1996. Anything in the 00's?</p>
<p>Huh? The thing I'm seeing (which zoombie posted) gives data from Fall 2000 to Fall 2004. However, it doesn't break down by residency.</p>
<p>I find it peculiar that there are only about ~45 National Merit Finalists out of a class of about ~6000. At my school there were 8 out of ~300.</p>
<p>ASDFTT, Michigan has never had many NMFs. Harvard and UTA have the most as far as I know. Other schools in the great plains, like Oklahoma and KU also have a lot of NMFs.</p>
<p>o yea, i didnt look carefully, haha</p>