<p>Hey CC,</p>
<p>I'm looking to transfer to a UC soon, possibly the next year. I originally was a huge slacker in HS, and went to a CC out of HS. At A CC, I started taking things much more seriously, and performed well, and after 3 semesters, transferred to a local uni (not nationally prestigious, but still research active, STEM format, etc.) </p>
<p>I was originally undeclared at my CC, thinking I was going to be an Education major, but after starting taking Calculus I, I found out I had a huge talent for mathematics if I put myself to it. I took a bunch of education classes that didn't necessarily apply to my current major. But now after volunteering at a hospital, I'm sort of galvanized to venture into the biological sciences. I'm a Biochemistry/Computational Mathematics double major.</p>
<p>I have a 3.94 GPA, and I'm looking to transfer to UC Berkeley, UCLA, or UCSD, listed in order of preference. </p>
<p>I've made A's in Calculus I, Calculus II, Calculus III, Gen Chem, Bio, C++ Programming, etc. I've done molecular modeling research at my local uni, and I even got to present at a MAA (Mathematical Association of America Conference), and a conference at Arizona State University (not my school, but a list of institutions that would pay for my travel expenses to present). </p>
<p>I've worked as an SI (Supplemental Instruction) for Organic Chemistry I, and a Math Department tutor for math up to Calculus III at my uni. </p>
<p>I have over 200 hours of volunteering.</p>