Out of State. Chance me?

I’m from NY and have a 3.72 GPA and a 32 ACT.
I’m white and I am a captain of the football team and I work 3 jobs along with several school clubs including our hockey club team where we made it to states.
I have taken 5 APs( 4 my senior year) and one course through a local college.
Applied early action in early september
Do I have a chance of getting in?
Currently already accepted to Minnesota Michigan State and Alabama.

The 32 ACT is in top top quartile for admitted students. Chance looks good!

Is cost a factor in your decision?

I’m hoping to get money because I would have to take out loans but if I needed to my parents could probably afford it. But I don’t want them helping me a lot so I’m considering some lower tier schools like Alabama bc they offered full tuition.

You can count on zero merit aid from UW-Madison. Generally, no one gets any.

If your FAFSA EFC is $12,001 or higher you will receive zero need-based aid from UW-Madison.

Your freshman year you can only borrow $5500 in your name/in federal loans.

You parents can pay the other $45k?