Out of state, fairly average stats, any possibility?

<p>I'm still a junior, so I have time to bump these stats up. But I might as well start soon :)</p>

<p>GPA: 3.6 W, no clue about UW. Maybe around a 3.4?
SAT: Taking for first time in January, 165 PSAT last year. Didn't get this years scores back yet. I'm hoping for around an 1800, as that's what I roughly got on a practice test I recently took
Rank: No clue
School: Private, competitive high school in Southern California. Sends some grads to top schools
Will be taking both AP US History and AP English Lang tests in May (I'm in Honors for both but I want to challenge myself.)
AP classes next year: Government, Lit and Comp, hopefully Calc AB
Honors classes taken/taking: English I, English II, American Lit, World History, US History
Sports: Will be playing tennis this year and next(hopefully varsity)
Clubs: JSA, Debate, CSF
Volunteering: Will have roughly 50 hours by the time I start applying.</p>

<p>I've been playing piano for 13 years and guitar for 2. I play both at church from time to time and play in my school band. </p>

<p>I was also born in Seattle and lived there for 7 years, but I doubt that matters, haha.</p>

<p>Mission Impossible?</p>

<p>as it is, your chances are pretty grim.</p>

<p>Looking at stats 3.7UW is average gpa and 1200 SAT CR/M which could equate with 1800 SAT. The GPA is the only thing really that could be a problem but then again if your school is highly competitve then UW will see that on the school profile. Ask your counselor where you sit within your class. Not that rank is that important but this will give you an idea if you are competitive with the lower GPA cause that is what UW will see when they get your school profile most likely. OOS is known to be a bit harder than in state but who knows with this economy?</p>