Out of state... getting in state tuition?

<p>Okay, so I'm against working the system for personal gain (in most cases), but I'm curious as to where my situation falls on the spectrum of morality and immorality. </p>

<p>All of my family except my parents and I live in North Carolina (I lived in NC for nearly all of my life until we moved up to VA). </p>

<p>Because my parents wont be able to pay for my college, I'm doing it all on my own (besides the 8K a year scholarship I get from the gov't for my dad's 100% disability status). </p>

<p>Is there a way I could declare residency with my grandmother, cousin, aunt and uncle 1 or aunt and uncle 2? Is this ethical, considering my parents did pay taxes to NC for a very long time, and, obviously, my immediate family does, too. </p>

<p>What are the specifics in declaring residency? Would I have to declare myself dependent?</p>

<p>This should answer your questions.</p>

<p>[Reference</a> | Residency | Office of the University Registrar](<a href=“http://regweb.oit.unc.edu/residency/ncres.php]Reference”>http://regweb.oit.unc.edu/residency/ncres.php)</p>

<p>i really doubt you will get residency (really really really doubt it). not to be discouraging, but i actually live in florida (3 years) and they arent giving me residency because of a small quirk.</p>

<p>may I ask what quirk?</p>