Out of state sophomore wanted to go to University of Texas...

<h2>This is what I posted in another topic:</h2>

<p>I am a sophomore in high school right now and my high school is competitive (4th in Ohio) and I got 2 C+'s and a B- last year as a freshmen. Our school has a trimester system, so we will have many grades in our transcript. Today I found out that if I got all A's from now on (which I plan on doing) then by the end of my senior year, my unweighted GPA will be 3.81 and if I take my planned honors/AP courses, my weighted GPA will be 3.99! (0.01 away from a perfect 4.) But in Ohio, they are introducing this "credit flex" thing where you can earn high school credits out of school! So I could maybe get 4.0 unweighted if I'm lucky.</p>

<p>Anyways, I wanted to go to The University of Texas. But I found out that they are very strict and you will have the greatest chance of going there if you are in the top 10% of your class. Well last year we had our freshmen awards, and they had 3 groups: 3.4-3.74, 3.75-3.99, and 4.0+. Well I didn't make any of them, and I'm gonna guess maybe 400+ of them were called? And our class of 2012 is 900+, so that means I must be around 50-60% of my class. I wouldn't have a chance if I applied right now.</p>

<p>So would The University of Texas (at Austin) accept me? Should I keep trying? Or would they look at my freshmen year and reject me because of it?</p>

<p>My freshmen grades if you are curious:</p>

<p>Algebra IA/IB = A+
Honors Geometry A/B = A
World History A = C+
World History B = A-
Physical Science A/B = B+
Biology A = B-
English IA = B+
English IB = C+
ECA-A(a speech and technology class) = B
Spanish IA = A-
Spanish IB = A
Health = A-
Gym = A</p>

<h2>The summer of my sophomore I took ECA-B (2nd part of ECA-A) and got a B.</h2>

<p>Anyways if I get all A's from now on which I plan to do:
Unewighted GPA: 3.81
Weighted GPA: 3.99
When that credit flex comes, I will do it to at least raise my weighted GPA to a 4.</p>

<p>My class rank unfortunately does suck. I would guess that I would be 40-60% which Texas will laugh at me for. I know you have to be top 10%, but maybe I could get this if I get all A's. I was depressed most of my freshmen year, so I didn't care about school, but now I understand now that I'm starting to look at colleges.</p>

<p>Could I possibly get into Texas? This is my dream college. I run cross country and track as my activities, and I guess I'll have to do community service also.
EDIT: Also, I am out of state (I live in Ohio) and that will make it even harder.</p>

<p>Keep trying. if you get all As from here on out, Texas would probably be crazy not to accept you. </p>

<p>Admissions are somewhat random. Don’t give up, even if you stumble along the way.</p>

<p>Cool, what other factors decide if you are accepted and not? I predicted it will cost me $43000+ per year, which would be $172K in debt by the time I’m done with college. IDK if I can even make $10K by the time I leave for college. Will this hurt me?</p>