Out of State UC Berkeley (Poli Sci, Music)

<p>Coming from competitive Chicago high school, class size 1100+.
GPA: ~3.5 UW (Core Academics), 4.8 W (Core Academics), ~3.8 UW All around
Honor Society
AP US, 2 AP English Courses, AP Poli Sci
Debate, Public Speaking courses
3 music courses a day as of now, 8 total by graduation: Concert Band, Jazz
EC's: Obama campaign (Iowa caucuses through General Election), Congressional Campaign, Attorney General Campaign, Rotary International Youth Achievement Award for MLK memorial, President of German Club =P, Jazz Combo, Blues/Roots music trio has gigged nationally, Editor of School Paper
Gen: M
Eth: White
No class rank or percentile ranking at my school. </p>

<p>What do I NEED to do to get to UC Berkeley if I want to study the two things I am most passionate about?</p>

<p>… Bump</p>

<p>Calculate your UC GPA using the methodology on the UC Pathways web site. The average UC GPA is 4.2 and average SAT 2050. For OOS, you should have higher than average stats. The higher you can score on the SATs the better, I’d focus on that.</p>

<p>Feeling pretty good about SAT and the UC Calc says I have a 4.4… I’ve read a lot on getting into Berkeley for Engineering and Chem; does the game change significantly for liberal arts or social sciences? All of this I’m asking, by the way, with the assumption that Berkeley is the best UC school for Poli Sci and Music, which I may be wrong about.</p>

<p>Have to say you are looking good and will definitely be competitive. Looks good that you seem to be focused and commited to your two majors.</p>

<p>But Political Science at Berkley? ugh… may I recommend Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity.</p>

<p>Berkeley is taking more OOS students this year because of the budget crisis, there’s a link to the story on the parent’s board.</p>