<p>Hey guys :) ! So I've been posting on here probably since my freshman year (currently I'm at the close of my junior year) and I've gotten a whole different view on what I want in a college, but I've always had a difficult time determining if the colleges are good reaches, safeties, or matches. Sorry if this isn't the best forum to post in but hopefully you'll share your opinions!</p>
<p>*Match: *
NC State
Bryn Mawr
Chapel Hill
Carnegie Mellon</p>
<p>*Reaches: *
SAT: 9th grade - 630 CR, 650 M, 620 W (I'll probably take it for the second time in June, and again in August)
GPA: UW 3.7ish, W 4.8 (out of 6.0)
APs: 9th Human Geo - (n/a, didn't take the exam, got an A),
10th Calc AB - 3/B, Physics B - 3/A, Psych - 5/B
11th Environmental, Calc BC, Lang & Comp, US History, World, Stat (haven't taken my exams yet)
12th Chem, Bio, English are the courses I'm signed up to take, I'll probably take one other but I haven't decided which one</p>
<p>*ECs: *</p>
<p>Internship with the DNC 2012 (10th)
Student Council (10th-12th)
Service Club (10th gen member, 11th-12th President)
Inter Club Council (11th VP, 12th President)
Cross Country (11th-12th)
Freshman Mentor (11th-12th)
Peer Tutor (11th-12th)</p>
<p>Most Valuable Underclassman for Student Council (10th)
Presidential Service Award Gold (11th)
Club of the Year (for my service club, 11th)</p>
<p>*Hooks: *</p>
<p>I am confident my recommendations will be great, the adviser for my club is ready to write one (I've had her two years for English, and she'll be my adviser 11th-12th), also I have my choice between staff at the larger nonprofit I work at, and the CEO of the smaller one. I have a great relationship with my student council teacher as well, and my calc teacher.
First Generation
Female (?) possibly looking into technology.</p>