Outdoorsy, adventurous, vegetarian who can't decide if I have a chance at my list of schools?

<p>Hey guys :) ! So I've been posting on here probably since my freshman year (currently I'm at the close of my junior year) and I've gotten a whole different view on what I want in a college, but I've always had a difficult time determining if the colleges are good reaches, safeties, or matches. Sorry if this isn't the best forum to post in but hopefully you'll share your opinions!</p>

<p>*Match: *
NC State
Bryn Mawr
Chapel Hill
Carnegie Mellon</p>

<p>*Reaches: *

SAT: 9th grade - 630 CR, 650 M, 620 W (I'll probably take it for the second time in June, and again in August)
GPA: UW 3.7ish, W 4.8 (out of 6.0)
APs: 9th Human Geo - (n/a, didn't take the exam, got an A),
10th Calc AB - 3/B, Physics B - 3/A, Psych - 5/B
11th Environmental, Calc BC, Lang & Comp, US History, World, Stat (haven't taken my exams yet)
12th Chem, Bio, English are the courses I'm signed up to take, I'll probably take one other but I haven't decided which one</p>

<p>*ECs: *</p>

<p>Internship with the DNC 2012 (10th)
Student Council (10th-12th)
Service Club (10th gen member, 11th-12th President)
Inter Club Council (11th VP, 12th President)
Cross Country (11th-12th)
Freshman Mentor (11th-12th)
Peer Tutor (11th-12th)</p>




<p>Most Valuable Underclassman for Student Council (10th)
Presidential Service Award Gold (11th)
Club of the Year (for my service club, 11th)</p>

<p>*Hooks: *</p>

<p>I am confident my recommendations will be great, the adviser for my club is ready to write one (I've had her two years for English, and she'll be my adviser 11th-12th), also I have my choice between staff at the larger nonprofit I work at, and the CEO of the smaller one. I have a great relationship with my student council teacher as well, and my calc teacher.
First Generation
Female (?) possibly looking into technology.</p>

<p>Unortunately, I think universities such as Princeton are very out of your reach. Your extracurricular activities are decent, but not enough to overlook your very low (for those universities) SAT score. Also, Carnegie Mellon University is not a match, but a “high reach” (same as Princeton). NC State and Bryn Mawr are about the only “matches” on your list. Good luck!</p>

<p>So the SAT is not usually offered in August… if you aren’t happy with your May score, I think you usually have to wait until October. Right now your scores are nowhere near where they need to be for many of the schools on your list. I realize they are from freshman yet, but with no standardized test scores it is impossible to evaluate your chances for your list. Did you take the PSAT, and what was your score? </p>

<p>Also, what is the unweighted scale for your GPA? Not the top weighted score, but what is the highest GPA you can get unweighted?</p>

<p>Thanks for your response @wannabeabuckeye‌ ! I realize my SAT is low, my hope is I’ll get it up from the time I took it as a freshman (I didn’t study for it at all either), but I know there’s a chance it won’t vary too much.</p>

<p>highest weighted is 6.0, our valedictorian is around 5.2-3 though. My rank is 36/650 from sophomore year</p>

<p>I am not a wannabe chicken or an Ohio resident. </p>

<p>@wannabefeynman‌ sorry, when I typed in wannabe it was just the first one, I didn’t even realize haha</p>

<p>I think you have a solid shot at NYU. Just get your SAT to at least 2050</p>

<p>Also Chance Back
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1641956-chances-at-gw-and-villanova.html#latest”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1641956-chances-at-gw-and-villanova.html#latest&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>CMU is definitely not a match with that score</p>



<p>So you don’t know the highest unweighted? That is what colleges usually look at, they don’t look at weighted GPAs. And you have no PSAT scores to provide? Then you can’t expect any realistic feedback. Come back after you have taken the SAT with scores. If I would have to guess with what you have provided, NC State is a match. Bowdoin is test optional, and if you can maintain your class rank, that might be a match as well. I wouldn’t predict admission to any of the rest without knowing your junior year test scores or your PSAT score.</p>

<p>Also, have you run the net price calculators on these schools? NYU gives terrible financial aid, and I assume UVA is out of state – public universities rarely give decent aid to out of state students. The Net Price Calculators are on the financial aid website pages of each college.</p>

<p>sorry, unweighted is just 4.0, pretty standard I think @intparent‌. Thanks for your feedback though!</p>

<p>And you did not take the PSAT?</p>

<p>I did, I got a 860. </p>

<p>PSAT is out of 240, a shorter version of the SAT, so an 860 makes no sense. It also makes no sense for an SAT 2 or any other type of standardized test like that. What is the 860 from?</p>
