<p>Is this a legit organization? Based on what I read, you will buy a book and the part of profit goes to some students. </p>
<p>Any experiences?</p>
<p>Is this a legit organization? Based on what I read, you will buy a book and the part of profit goes to some students. </p>
<p>Any experiences?</p>
<p>I threw the info away, based on the "if they ask you to buy/donate/etc in order to receive your award...don't" advice. But before I did, I think I googled it, and read what others had to say. Is this the one that says you can get the book, but if you want your child in it you have to pay?</p>
<p>Sounds like one of those for-profit outfits where the idea is to put your kid in the book and then sell you a copy of the book. I've never heard of colleges using this book to select or recruit students.</p>
<p>I put that mailing straight in the recycle bin.</p>
<p>I never heard of this one, is it trying to mimic who's who, which doesn't require to buy anything, you have to be sumitted by the guidance dept</p>
<p>Where "...all the children are above average." :(</p>
<p>Several years ago I asked a college admissions counsellor about these 'book' schemes (who's who, National Honor Roll, there are dozens of them) and she said they are worthless as far as college admisssions. We did send in the info to who's who a couple of times because they send a list of the published students to the local paper and I thought she might as well get her name printed (I know - stupid - but everyone else was doing it) but never paid any money for a book or anything. I probably threw more of them in the trash that I sent in.</p>
<p>I heard that someone's dog got accepted (he had a "human" name, and got an invitation).</p>
<p>Well, this one actually requires an application, an essay, and GC's signature. Each year, they give out about 10 scholarship worth $1,000 each. You don't have to buy a book to win the $. </p>
<p>Since CC are full of the really outsatnding students, I was wondering if any one has actually received the $1000 award.</p>
<p>Is this the organization you're asking about? Welcome</a> to Outstanding Students of America Online!</p>
<p>I don't have any answers to your questions, but according to this web site, applications for seniors had to be postmarked by October 10.</p>
<p>Coronax 2, thanks. Exactly the organization. </p>
<p>D did submit before the deadline and we received the "congradulation" letter for passing the first round cut. D was trying to put it in her list of things but I talked her out of that.</p>
<p>Congratulations to your daughter. I'm very skeptical about these organizations that are selling books, but I do hope your daughter is awarded the $1,000 scholarship. I would buy the book only <em>after</em> she cashes the check (but that's me; I'm a tough sell). :)</p>
<p>DS was a $1000 receipient from Who's Who. We never bought a book, never entered for publication other than what was published as a winner. I think there may have been a one page essay after the initial selection process. I think most of the selection was based on recommendations from his teachers/school. Since the Recommendations was such a big factor, I personally feel that this win was more important than other wins that he got from grades and test scores. We are also 100% EFC so Need was not considered. </p>
<p>In comparison to NMS, this Who's Who money was paid and with the minimum amount of work.</p>
<p>DadII....whatever happened? Anyone else ever hear anything?
D2's school sent the forms to be filled out and I was skeptical and surprised!</p>
<p>Has anyone heard back from this outfit in November or December this year?</p>
<p>Bump. Did anybody ever win this scholarship?</p>
<p>I’m going to bump this up because I got the “OSA” award, but I’m still waiting to see if I got the money. Has anyone been notified yet?</p>
<p>It’s been nearly a month and still nobody has heard back from them :(</p>
<p>I called and they told me that the scholarship application will be send in April. We didn’t receive nothing yet (as April 13).</p>
<p>The Outstanding Students of America is little more than an excuse to sell books to parents and grandparents. Inclusion doesn’t help admission chances at any elite (or even not so elite) school. You’ve never seen a college viewbook brag about the number of Outstanding Students of America they have - that tells you how little they value it. However, the scholarship is real - its used as an incentive to get people to fill out the forms. Hope one of you wins.</p>