Over it...

<p>Please I need all inputs. I am over 82 words for the extracurricular essay. Will the common. app. autimatically cut it off at 150. And my personal essay might be too long idk. will this completely get me rejected. My stats are not stellar, so my essays will make me or break me.</p>

<p>extracurricular. 232 words
personal. 999 words [ i sort of gave myself a 1,000 limit]
supplement. 506 words</p>

<p>I want to submit but afraid to. I really do not want to cut anything. i feel everything is perfect just the way it is.</p>

<p>I was 50 words over my extra</p>

<p>and I was in the middle of both the others</p>

<p>They set a limit to see how well one can condense material and not write their whole life story.</p>

<p>anyone else…pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I am freaking out. help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. is 82 words too much???// i mean, that s the only one that actually over.</p>

<p>it’s fine, just submit it.</p>

<p>have other people review/edit it to see if it can be condensed.</p>

<p>204 guys only 54 words instaed of 82.
im sending.</p>

<p>is not leting me send it. please can any1 here help. read it</p>

<p>I know that Cornell’s supplement essay says that it only allows a max of 500, so you have to condense that. The common app’s extracurricular says 150. Mine is about 5 words over and lets me submit it. 50 over is a bit bunch, I think.</p>

<p>Wasn’t the deadline to submit like 18 hours ago anyway?</p>

<p>Wait, nevermind, its midnight today, disregard.</p>