<p>I am a junior and am interested in doing an overnight stay. How do these work? I read somewhere on the website that to partake in lunches or overnight stays at Columbia you have to be a "registered prospective student." What does this mean? </p>
<p>Sorry if this question has an extremely obvious answer.. ><</p>
<p>They do organized overnight programs for admitted students, as part of an event called Days On Campus.</p>
<p>I think aside from that you’d be much more likely to get housed just randomly by a student at Columbia who you already know, and get a chance to see the school without any admissions propaganda getting in the way. Perhaps there’s an organized program - I’m not 100% sure - but a do-it-yourself solution will likely be just as good if not better.</p>
<p>Actually, I think you can do overnight stays most days of the week. Students on the undergrad recruitment committee find people who are willing to host for that night, and then you just go with them. They have some prospy “events” as well (eating in John Jay, late-night JJ’s run etc), but most of the time you just get to hang out with the current students. My roommate and I had a good time when we hosted.</p>
<p>I’m not sure who you need to call in order to organize this, maybe the admissions office? Anyway, I’m pretty sure that “registered” just means that you have contacted them in advance, it’s not a special status or anything.</p>
<p>When my son visited last spring as a junior, he was told that overnights were reserved for (admitted) seniors. They had an impressive lunch program, however, where he got to hang with a couple of Columbia kids for a couple of hours. That experience helped seal the deal on his decision to apply ED.</p>
<p>wait… if overnight stays are only for ADMITTED seniors, why is there a box on the Columbia app that allows you to check this??? I’m confused T__T</p>
<p>^Was your guest a junior? Perhaps my memory is faulty regarding admitted students, but I’m sure that juniors were not welcome as overnight guests. Maybe things have changed…</p>