Owned by AP Calculus BC Exam

<p>Soo...who else wants to cry after taking the Free Response? That was insane. I was not prepared for this level of shaftage. After the MC I was pretty confident, I might have only gotten one or two wrong. FR was a killer...
Does anyone know what the curve is for a 5? I've heard 55% in the Tests forum and I myself think its around 60%. Then my friends tell me its about 75%. Any ideas? </p>

<p>That was seriously one of the hardest Free Response sections....Wow...i am speechless. Hope the curve is a rock bottom low...</p>

<p>Ladros <em>praying for a 5</em></p>

<p>Yea, I have to say, I felt my anus being widened and a large plug being inserted after experiencing that free-response section.</p>

<p>::waits for oncoming 4 :(::</p>

<p>not just u... i think myself too... and ur friends are idiots it's about a 65%</p>

<p>Wait...a four is....BAD?!?!?!</p>

<p>LOL... I was owned by AP Calc AB! It wasn't really my fault though. Our teacher and class decided about three months ago that we weren't really concerned with passing the test but more about learning the material. So, we continued at our normal slow pace and didn't do any review or anything. Our school requires we take the test so we all did but I am expecting about a 2! We hadn't discussed the format for the free response or anything so it was really new for me. I think I did okay on the MC but two of the free response were about some volume topic we haven't covered yet. Oh well... I'm sure our principal will be delighted that his "best and brightest" (as he calls us) made a conscious decision to bomb a test... and that an employee of his supported the idea.</p>

<p>(Just to clarify, we are all taking Calc II over the summer at a local college because we follow this schools Calc I course and take the same exams... so if we get an A in the HS class then take the Calc II course we get retroactive credit for Calc I)</p>

<p>Free response was difficult I agree! I left so many blank.. MC was better, but that was first so I was drained by the end
I'm still wondering what % you need right to get 3,4,5..</p>

<p>I'd gone over all the past FR's I could find over the weekend + Monday. It really helped because I'd seen similar questions (gasp!) plus gone over their scoring guidelines. I'll be fine assuming I didn't make too many stupid mistakes....</p>

<p>I just hope the 4 APs left go as well as this one did...</p>

<p>Everyone who took it from my school felt terrible afterwards. Hopefully that means a good curve.</p>

<p>the percentages depend on year. its based on how the scores are each year. NO one knows exactly how many mc qs and frq you have to get right to get a five or a four...in teh past it has been possible to get around a 30% on the mc and still pass...</p>

<p>The past few years the test has stuck around you have to get 60% of the points possible to get a 5. It has gone up adn down from there tho.</p>

<p>AND the FRQ sucked! I'm just glad math is over for this year. My class gets to embark on the "movies every person should see marathon!"</p>

<p>I can't tell how badly I did, I felt like I didn't do well, but our teacher has gotten straight 5's the past 2 years so....yeah that would suck to be the person who got the 4. I didn't come out of it confident, that's all I've got to say. And I aced his midterm exam. Damn.</p>

<p>ouch. is all i have to say.</p>

<p>they were harder than the practice from previous tests, but nothing too, too difficult...don't worry, the curve is INSANE</p>

<p>"and ur friends are idiots it's about a 65%"</p>

<p>cujoe, I just so happen to be a friend of ladros
i understand that you must be mad cuz you sucked on the test, but next time think before you say something stupid like that</p>

<p>And I came out, and I was so dissapointed. I really wanted to cry. The calc teachers at my high school are AMAZING, and they prepare us so well. In fact, we took our final on a Saturday morning, just so that we could see what the actual AP test was going to be like. The calc teachers (3 of them- 1 BC teacher, and 2 AB teachers) then spent THE REST OF THE DAY (yes, they were up late) grading the final, so we could study from it. I have nothing but admiration for them. </p>

<p>Anyway, I just thought the whole test was a killer. I'm praying that I'll get a 3....</p>

<p>what worries me most is that i screwed up the MC pretty badly also. lots of people seem to have done well on the MC, and then gotted raped by the FR...but i really feel like i did terribly on both. like, i skipped 10 or so multiple choice sections on both calculator/noncalculator combined. thats not good. :-/</p>

<p>"I felt my anus being widened and a large plug being inserted after experiencing that free-response section."</p>

<p>Starman, that just about sums it up. </p>

<p>I'm hoping I did well enough on the MC, because it was pretty easy for me. FR...all I can say is if I can get 20/54, I'll be okay. About 50 give or take from MC and 20 give or take from FR = 70....=5? hopefully.</p>

<p>My thinking...people have said that the past curves have been about 65%. This year the FR was insanely hard, with the MC being about the same. So I think this year the curve will be about 60%. Haha, I may be wrong and the curve goes up but I doubt that. I am banking on everyone in the nation doing bad on the FR....sigh....what a damper to put on all the other upcoming APs.</p>

<p>I was destroyed by the FR on the AB exam.</p>

<p>ahh..so the shaftage continues...i can honestly say that i feel like shat right now</p>

<p>ditto to you ladros</p>

<p>deng it! change ur name or make a new one!...</p>

<p>the one and only</p>
