<p>Hi everybody! I applied for PGSIS, the school of International Studies. I'm posting what I put on my application, and I am hoping that others will do the same. Maybe younger students who will be applying in future years will find such information useful....or at least interesting. </p>
<p>Here goes:</p>
<p>white female from rural/small town high school in Western PA</p>
<p>3 years of Spanish study
3 years of French study
1 year independent Modern Greek study</p>
all A's in all honors (as many as are available)
PSAT: 70V 63M 72W (10th grade) and 69CR 68M 76W (11th grade)
SAT: 660V 670M (10th grade)
SAT IIs: 720Lit 630MB 640USH (10th grade)</p>
<p>A. Narrative Statement:</p>
<p>twas tough...it has to be sooooo short!</p>
<p>I started it out talking about how I brought National Geographic into school for show and tell in kindergarten...I went on to how I live with my family on the grounds of an Orthodox monastery (my father works there as the caretaker/head of maitenance) and how this environment stimulated me to become fascinated with other countries. Then I wrote a bit about my trip to Guatemala City to work in an orphanage this past summer...and I tied it up by showing how these children impacted me...and how I am concerned about the world-wide abuse of children</p>
<p>B. Resume:</p>
<p>School Clubs:</p>
<p>International Club: president
Junior States of America: founder and president
Student Council: executive board; chair of service committee
French Club, Spanish Club, Key Club, and National Honor Society</p>
<p>School-related Activities:</p>
<p>Elementary Schools Foreign Language Program:
taught French to area elementary gifted students (40-50 hours teaching and writing lesson plans). Late fall 2003-spring 2004.</p>
<p>International Showcase: created and orchestrated International Clubs annual culture fair open to all classes. January 23, 2004.</p>
<p>Slippery Rock University Foreign Language Competition: received 1st place awards in French Oral Test and French Vocabulary Test. February 17, 2004. </p>
<p>Presidential Debate: organized an all-school mock presidential debate prior to the national election through Junior States of America Club. October 27,
<p>World Affairs Institute: received Rotary Scholarship to attend the 34th Annual World Affairs Institute, Global Trends: Implications for the United States, at Two Mellon Center Pittsburgh. November 10, 2004. </p>
<p>International Education Day: invited area foreign exchange students (current and former) to share their experiences with American students and each other; students were given a tour of our school guided by International Club members. November 22, 2004. </p>
<p>Lawrence County Forensics League: participate in monthly competitions; have received numerous awards. Participant since 7th grade.</p>
<p>French: independent study of fourth level French</p>
<p>Spanish: compact the class: attend every other day for full credit</p>
<p>Modern Greek: independent study (with tutor and self-study books)</p>
<p>Psychology: took General Psychology 211 through LEAP (Leaders Early Admission Program), Clarion University. Fall 2004. Final grade: A </p>
<p>Big Brothers Big Sisters: currently in second year as big sister in site-based after school program; mentor for one and one half hours once a week</p>
<p>Assistant Church School Teacher: meet with class on a weekly basis </p>
<p>Mission Work: traveled with a former orphan back to her orphanage, the Hogar Rafael Ayau in Guatemala City, Guatemala, for two weeks of mission work. June 22-July 6, 2004. </p>
<p>Ellwood City Carpenters Project: volunteered for 35 hours fixing the houses of economically disadvantaged area residents: July 19-22, 2004</p>
<p>C. Local Global Concern:</p>
<p>I wrote about childhood obesity, pulling on stats from the WHO and CDC, as well as local stats from my school district. I talked about the negative effects on health, environment, and the economy. My solution had to do with educating people to live differently (exercise more, eat good food, etc.) and to shift away from the modern culture that promotes obesity. </p>
<p>Teacher Recs:</p>
<p>they were good...both teachers have known me for several years. plus...I got to read both of them!</p>
<p>Counselor Rec:
good...my counselor did actually write a letter (it's optional)...which I didn't get to read :-(</p>
<p>sorry for such a long post....i hope this is helpful to somebody</p>