Pace Nursing Program & Transfer

I’m looking to transfer universities, because my current university does not allow current students or students at other 4 year universities to apply into the nursing program. You can only apply in for fall of your freshman year. (And no, I am not considering getting a bachelors degree then going back for my accelerated 2 year nursing degree.) Pace is one of the schools I’m look at. I was wondering if anyone had any experience or knowledge of the nursing program at Pace (NYC Campus), and also if anyone had information considering transferring into the program. Online it says you have to take the HESI to get into the program…I thought this was normally used as an exam nursing students have to take before graduating from the program/before taking the NCLEX, so if anyone has any info on this topic in particular, that’d be great. Thanks!

There is also a separate HESI Nursing Program Entrance Exam which is used by some 2+2 Nursing Programs as part of the evaluation process used to determine which students will be accepted into the Nursing Program in the third year at the school. It is different from the HESI exam given to 4th year nursing students. Good luck.

@Mwallenmd that makes so much sense, thank you!