Torn on NURSING programs!

<p>HELP! Time Sensitive!!
Which is the best choice for traditional RN Nursing program: Orange Community College, Rockland Community College, Dominican College, Mercy College, Fairleigh Dickinson, Felician College, or Pace?</p>

<p>I'm looking for a great program, without worrying about failing out (due to an unreasonable fail rate) that will teach me how to become a Nurse, not just prepare me for the nclex.</p>

<p>I’ve heard terrible things about the nursing program at Pace, so I would say stay far away from there!</p>

<p>Thanks for the information. What kind of things have you heard?</p>

<p>Yes, what terrible things have you heard? I am quoting another poster here (hope that is ok) </p>

<p>"Pace’s nursing program is unique. It is one of the only schools in which students are attending hospitals for clinicals in their sophomore year, giving students one more year of clinical experience than most schools do. Pace’s NCLEX pass rate is 90%. Nine out of ten students passed their licensure exam on their first try, which is outstanding! Furthermore, LSN (Lienhard School of Nursing) graduates exceeded both the New York State passing rate and the national average passing rate in 2009. </p>

<p>Someone posted, “The professors often avoid answering questions, do not give you any room to learn, and overall feels like they don’t care whether you pass or fail.” I’m not sure which professors you have come into contact with but I have never had this experience. Professors encourage students to ask questions and they ACTUALLY answer them on the spot, and if they don’t know the answer, they will get back to you. I’m not sure what “they don’t give you any room to learn” means but I have never felt this way. Professors do care if you pass or fail. Nursing is NOT an easy A. If you come into the program thinking that you can get an A in every class without trying, you will be disappointed. Professors always want people to ask questions, they email you with names, phone numbers, and email addresses of tutors for all your nursing classes and encourage you to go see tutors if you are having some difficulty. People need to realize that college students are adults. Professors aren’t going to hold your hand through the entire program, make sure you are attending your classes, and doing your homework. They assume that you have enough self discipline and responsibility to handle the simple tasks of college life. If you put forth the effort, you will pass your classes. "</p>

<p>I’ve heard that it isn’t particularly well organized, the professors aren’t very good (don’t answer questions, don’t really care about the students etc)…and that overall it isn’t worth your money.</p>

<p>And the other schools?
How is the two year program at Rockland CC compared to a three - four year program as far as quality, teaching methods, etc?</p>