Pace vs NYU

I’ve just gotten accepted into Pace University, undecided, but I have my interview for the department soon. I also have my interview for NYU soon. Assuming for the best, that I’ll be able to get my pick of either school, which one do you feel is the most “worth it”? Previously, NYU was my dream school, but there is also a lot of potential at Pace, and they’re offering me money which I know NYU is less likely to do. I’m applying for both of the schools directing programs and I’m really torn.

@LIVvsCOLLEGE I wasn’t going to reply, because I figured others might have direct feedback on the two programs, and I only have second hand knowledge. But as no one has offered any advice yet, I thought I’d pass on what I know about Pace.
I am basing my comments on the BA Acting (International Performance Ensemble) program that accepts two directing students into the program a year. I hope this is the program you are asking about. I checked Pace’s website and didn’t see any other directing program, but feel free to ignore me if I am writing about the wrong program.

My daughter started Pace this year in the BFA FTVC program and has made friends with the two students in the Directing program. First, she loves Pace. She has had a fabulous first semester in NYC and has made many friends across all the Performing Arts groups. Yes, the city is not what NYC typically is like, but as my daughter had no preconceived notions about NYC having never even visited before she chose the program, she has had the time of her life. Pace has handled quarantine and continued testing very successfully.

She has told me that the two directing students are creating their own directing project, in addition to their normal classwork, and what they are creating is exciting and imaginative. She says most of the performing arts kids that she has met all do “extra” stuff for fun and recruit other kids in the programs to be in the projects. A lot seem to have talents and skills that compliment creation (play instruments, write, have film making talents, or editing, etc).

I know this isn’t a lot of info on the program, but it is just to let you know they are happy and keeping busy during this weird year where most creative things have shut down. They may not be on actual stages this year, but that hasn’t stopped them from pursuing their dreams.

As her parent’s we do feel that Pace is “worth it”. They did offer her merit scholarships and admittance to the Honors college, which definitely helps.

If you are lucky enough to get into both Pace and NYU’s directing programs I’m guessing you will have a difficult choice. Break a leg for your interviews!

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@BFAMom2024 Thank you so much for this insight! This definitely helped me, lol but it also made me a little nervous now that I know they only accept two people. I mean I knew it was a low number but wow!! Nevertheless, thank you so much!