<p>I am not sure how to approach the essay. The prompt is: "You have just complete you 300 page autobiography. Please submit page 217."
I wrote an essay about my sophomore/junior years, but my counselor told me that Penn wanted the essay about your future life, since page 217 would be one's 50's or 60's. I, however, think that it could be either my life up until now, or my future life. I only think that it is NOW because they say "You have JUST completed...".</p>
<p>Anyone want to share what they did or what they think?</p>
<p>You have just completed your autobiography, IE. it’s in the future and you wrote an autobiography and you just finished writing it. It’s only 300 pages so unless the final 83 pages tell about junior year - rest of life than it’s supposed to take place in the future.</p>
It’s pretty much an open ended question. I think whatever you choose to do’ll be okay. I’m sure the admissions officiers see a little bit of everything.</p>
<p>Thanks everyone. Yeah I kept it in my high school years, but put a twist on it so that my essay could work for either interpretation of the prompt!</p>
<p>If they use their life up to this point for this book, they are like this, and we’ll admit them
If they use their whole life, they are like this, and we reject them</p>