Page 217 essay...

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>I'm kinda confused on this topic. Since it wants pg 217 of the 300 page biography, does it have to be a continuous EXCERPT of like one event (like the whole 300 page essay is a story), or could I have like a more solid conclusion and refer back to my childhood?</p>

<p>Right now, the essay I want to use is about how I'm always busy during my birthday time, but this year, I've learned to relax and enjoy life. </p>

<p>How are you guys writing yours?</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure they just want you to run with what you can do with your writing skills and how effectively you can express yourself in them.</p>

<p>I dunno just write well and pray. It’s extra so it may count for somethin!</p>

<p>You can do pretty much whatever you want. </p>

<p>I started mine with a short (2 line) conclusion to a random anecdote that made no sense in the context given. After that, I moved on to what I actually wanted to talk about and spent the rest of the page on that, but I ended mid sentence to make it look like I ripped the page out of my autobiography.</p>

<p>yea its up to you. i know people who wrote it when they were 60 yrs old looking back. i wrote about something that happened in 8th grade. i think the point the main point of the essay is to write about a specific event in your life. so, dont give a summary of something or talk about something that never happened to you. sure u can expand on that one even to have it relate to other things, but key in one memorable event and be creative with it.</p>

<p>The way I approached it was to take it as a personal narrative. It is not their main essay since they allow more room for the Why Penn? essay. However it is important so I believe if one were to reword the question, describe one significant experience and how it has changed you or something along those lines. Sure, I believe writing from a futuristic standpoint may be clever depending how well one writes the essay, but I thought of it as from where I am now as the end of the autobiography.</p>