painless transfer apps (no essay and/or teacher rec)

<p>i just filled out the UF transfer app (no essay/no teacher recs)
took about an hour
are there any other transfer apps that either dont have an essay or teacher recs (or both)?

<p>state universities (ie san jose state)</p>

<p>University of Wisconsin doesnt insist on recs, but the essay is a must. How lazy are you.</p>

<p>Purdue, McGill, St. Louis University were all easy</p>

<p>check with most public universities. they usually require no recs and optional essays.</p>

<p>somehow i got on tulane's mass-mailing list and i was informed that no essay is required, just high school and college transcript and your statement of good standing.</p>

<p>i ask this question not out of lazyness, but out of practicallity. i plan on applying to uchicago, northwestern and other places...both with hugely significant essays.</p>

<p>GIT 10char</p>

<p>Clemson doesn’t require an essay, and it’s rolling</p>

<p>I’m always feel a little weary about schools whose applications are too quick and painless. I remember when I looked at applying at St. John’s as a last-resort-everybody-hates-me-I-suck backup: no essay, no recs, no application fee and they gave out free laptops… I felt like I was about to be scammed, it seemed too good to be true.</p>

<p>^ hahahha sooooo true man. i’d feel the exact same way.</p>

<p>glad to know i’m not the only slacker</p>

<p>are there any others?</p>

<p>university of miami (no essay, 1 prof rec), and someone else already mentioned tulane. I though Miami’s app was even easier than UF’s because the residency crap on UF’s took forever (unless you aren’t a FL resident).</p>

<p>seton hall university doesn’t have a fee, has an optional essay and no rec’s needed.</p>

<p>Tulane is spamming the hell out of everyone this year. I’m not sure why…desperate for applicants?</p>