<p>Wearing pajamas to class makes it look like you would rather be in bed than listen to your professor. It really doesn't take long to look presentable.</p>
<p>I don't dress up for class.... but I also don't show up in pajamas either! However, many people often do... Honestly, I do believe some professors would be offended if everyone showed up looking like they just rolled out of bed and went to class. If students want to be seriously considered for internships, jobs, etc with profs, I'd suggest that they at least put SOME effort into looking presentable for class.</p>
<p>This reminds me of a story....</p>
<p>.... my dorm is connected to my school's law school, and on Sundays I quite literally roll out of bed and study before grabbing something to eat. One Sunday, as I'm walking to the library, I pass through A CAREER FAIR of law school students dressed to impress. Oh man. Thankfully I was half asleep anyway.</p>
<p>I can see why you wouldn't wear pajamas to, say, office hours, when you're one-on-one with a prof, but I honestly don't think profs notice things like what their students wear, even in small seminars. Showing up in pajamas is preferable to, say, sleeping through class or coming late.</p>
<p>Then again, I think this thread is asking at what campuses these kinds of informalities are acceptable or and what campuses they are frowned-upon.</p>
<p>I sleep naked, I hope that won't be a problem for the pajama schools.</p>
<p>Caltech is for sure, a "pajama school". Dartmouth, OTOH, seemed to have a very dressy student body overall when I visited.</p>