PANICKING- Mistakes reporting courses on UC App!

On my UC app, I accidentally put “Art 2” instead of “Art 1” in my sophomore year course entry, and “Art 3/4” instead of “Senior Art Studio” in my senior year course entry. The senior year mix up may be less of a concern, because I did have the chance to submit an Augmented Review form and most likely put Senior Art Studio instead of Art 3/4 on that form. I can’t access it to confirm, though. (The two may be pretty similar- I don’t think the school even offers Art 3/4.) I’m the most worried about the Art 2 entry. It wasn’t intentional; I guess I just associated sophomore year with “2”. I’m super upset that I didn’t check my app more carefully before submitting it. Could this be grounds for rescission? I was admitted to UCLA, which was incredible, but I’m really scared that their administration may not tolerate such a significant error. What should I do? Has anyone else heard of or had experiences like this?

(P.S. I was admitted for STEM, in case that changes things, and these are 2 of 6 art courses that I took over the course of 4 years.)

I do not think this will be an issue at all. Just send an email to UCLA admissions about the course description mistake and keep any documentation.

@Gumbymom Will do. Thanks so much- I was really spiraling!

@Gumbymom I called the UCLA office and they said that as long as I did not try to pass off a CP course as Honors or AP, l should be fine. However, I just realized that Arts 2 (what I entered) counts for UC credit, but Arts 1 (what i actually took) doesn’t! I’m super worried again. Is this as bad as I think it is?

@rsifut1: So did you only take 1 semester of Art? The UC requirement is 2 semesters or 1 year long VPA course in the same discipline.

(sorry wrong thread, deleted)

@Gumbymom No, I have 4 courses of art so meeting the prerequisites should not be a concern.

So the Art 1 should not be issue. If Art 1 does not count for the UC’s, then they just ignore it.

Stop panicking. That is causing you to make mistakes. Learn from this experience You tank when stressed so make sure to leave plenty of time for assignments and such once you get to college or you will be a wreck the entire time.

@Gumbymom That’s what I’m nervous about- the course I said I took would count for a year of art (so 5 art courses total). The course I actually took would not- I worry that this could be seen as falsifying a class/credits or something.

To follow on from what @lostaccount said, I’m learning, again and again (I’m a parent, by the way), to be deliberate in what I’m working on. When I rush, or loose focus, that’s when I make mistakes. It’s been funny, as in some ways it’s a slowing down, but it really gets me where I’m headed faster. It feels somewhat like a calmimg down, and focusing on the task at hand.

Are you a California resident and attend a California HS? Did Art 1 not come up on the a-g course list for your HS?;searchType=2;query=Art%201

Either way, just email admissions stating you entered Art 2 instead of Art 1 period. You have the met the requirement and you have contacted them of the mistake. Keep the documentation and if there is a problem, you can refer back to the information you received from admissions.

Alright, thanks everyone. I will do just that.