
You've all probably read my post; I'm really starting to freak out about school. I'm really thinking I'm not going to get in anywhere. My GPA is mediocre, and my SATs aren't stellar. I'm really terrified.</p>

<p>Just. Ugh. Why is nursing school so super competitive?</p>

<p>The competitiveness varies by the number of nursing programs available in a state vs. the number of applicants. If it is too competitive in your state, add some applications in a less competitive state.</p>

<p>The SAT score you posted is very good for most nursing programs.</p>

<p>In the event you don’t get into a direct entry program, you do have the backup option of applying to a 2-2 program. However, direct entry is definitely preferable.</p>

<p>Sometimes the public university programs are more competitive than the private college programs because they are much cheaper. However, if you receive enough aid, the private college programs may be equal in price. Most private colleges heavily discount their tuition for well-qualified students.</p>

<p>I’d check out the following thread from yesterday. Another person who seems to be “freaking out”.
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