How competitive is admission?

<p>What general area does the gpa and SAT/ACT need to be in? Is there usually any difference in the requirements at a big medical center university vs a smaller college vs a hospital-sponsored program? (I haven't checked into it at all, but am just asking for a friend's daughter.)

<p>From my experience (helping D2 look for schools where she can get her BSN), it really depends on the school. For instance, at a couple of PA state schools, a 1000/1600 SAT score with at least a 3.2 GPA would probably get you admitted. When we visited Pitt, they told us their nursing students usually have at least 1280/1600 SAT and 3.8 GPA.</p>

<p>Thanks mrsref! I was asking for my “second daughter” because I am concerned for her. It sounds like Pitt is pretty hard to get in to. I’m guessing that they have a very good program. Did you by any chance check out Duquesne’s nursing school in Pittsburgh also?</p>

<p>We did not visit Duquesne. It came up in our premlinary searches, but D2 quickly croosed it off her list. I think because she wants to go to a bigger school (i.e. more students)</p>

<p>I am going to be a freshman in Fall 2009 @ NYU College of Nursing and I had a 3.9 GPA and 1210/1800 on my SATs. I didn’t feel the nursing school was that competitive because I had good extra curriculars.</p>