Parent letter for Clark?

What do you think about the (optional) parent letter for Clark? Did you do it? Do you think there is value in it?

We are a special case since my son is homeschooled, and his “guidance counselor letter” is also a parent letter (written by me). My husband thinks maybe he should write a parent letter, mainly to demonstrate that my son is serious about his interest, but I think effectively 2 parent letters is a bit much. (And my husband isn’t a great writer… :grimacing:) In the GC letter I do specifically mention that I’m S23’s parent.

Any thoughts?

Clark University in MA? My daughter applied ED and there wasn’t a parent letter component

Yes. I just got an email a couple of days ago asking if I wanted to submit a parent letter. Is your daughter the one who was a recruited athlete? If so, maybe they don’t ask for a parent letter in that case. The email says a parent letter is not required, it is optional.

Yes she is an athlete so maybe. She will be applying for the leep scholarship as well and no additional parent letter was requested - seems odd but it defiantly couldn’t hurt to write something.

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I also received an email about a parent letter for Clark. I forwarded it to my husband since he is the better writer. I think for my D23 a parent letter could be helpful in explaining her transfer from a large regional school to small private school that the CC might not explain fully. I think you there could be value in it. Guess we will find out shortly. Good luck!

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Son applied EA, didn’t see the parent recommendation letter request until yesterday…my fault. If I had seen it earlier I would have written one. Heard from them today that he was accepted so definitely wasn’t a requirement but I’m sure it only helps paint a more complete picture of the applicant.


Wow, congrats to your son! Was he a special circumstance, like an athlete? I didn’t think they were releasing any results until later…

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No idea why he received the letter yesterday, he applied to a few schools EA and we figured they might start coming in around 12/15 all the way up to 1/15. I’ve honestly given up trying to predict anything related to this college application process.