Parent Recommendation

<p>Just wondering, did any of your parents get the letter from Richmond asking them to write a recommendation for their son/daughter?</p>

<p>For some reason, I find that a little funny!</p>

<p>Are your parents writing the rec and do you think it is a good idea? I'm not sure if they should do it...will it affect my chances if they do or don't? What are you all having your parents do?</p>

<p>Thanks guys!</p>

<p>I believe it was sent to everyone. I know my mom thought it was a great idea and her and my dad wrote something. I don’t believe it will affect your chances if you do or don’t. It’s just another way for the admissions staff to learn a little more about you.</p>

<p>I was excited to receive the letter and a chance to promote my daughter. However, have yet to write the rec. Not certain if a letter will go out or not. She’s the writer in our family.</p>

<p>I’m an international. Am i supposed to receive that thing too? /:</p>

<p>Are parents of deferred ED students asked to send one? Maybe UR admissions could respond? Thanks</p>

<p>regular decision and we received one</p>

<p>@confused_vnese I got one(or my mom did, but I opened it) and I’m international. It took about 20 days to get here though.</p>

<p>I open up all the mail that comes to us from colleges and we got a letter too. At first I didn’t want my mom to write anything because I thought she might say something that would be weird or hurt my chances of getting in. Then she read the part in the letter about it not affecting you one way or the other, it was just a way for admissions to get to know you better. So she wrote something, she didn’t let me read it yet and I sure hope she didn’t say something embarrassing!!!</p>

<p>We had not planned to invite parents of deferred ED students to write these letters, but anyone is welcome to do so if they feel they have something to add to our consideration. This was the president’s initiative and it came rather late in the cycle, so we didn’t feel we had time to get a mailing out to parents of ED apps, have them received with sufficient lead time to write the letter and get it back by the time our committee was meeting with the ED’s. The time line is just so tight. But again, you are welcome to write if you’d like. International parents are also invited to write if they wish to. But it is not required if anyone is the slightest bit uncomfortable. </p>

<p>I don’t think most students would be uncomfortable with what parents are telling us in these letters. Most are truly lovely and full of pride for your accomplishments. No big secrets revealed or embarrassing stories being shared–at least in those that I’ve read thus far.</p>

<p>We got similar letter from the UR President. We were very honored and thrilled that we wrote a letter at once and sent it in few hours. Unfortunately, it was postmarked first week of January but we just received it here in the Philippines last week.
But it was very touching move from the President to write and give us an opportunity to share relevant thoughts about our daughter.
We appreciate it so much and we feel a unique touch of warmth from the school with such gesture.

<p>I was delighted to be invited to provide input on my d who is applying to UR! I wrote and submitted a letter which my d read first, and approved. She even laughed at a few things. She was happy that I didn’t sound like a bragging mother, but truly shared some things that other essays, recommendations, etc would not have provided.</p>

<p>After submitting the letter to UR, I actually sent part of it (with a preface about how another school invited parents to send input) to a few other schools to which they applied. Who knows if they will consider it, then again, they may decided it is a nice idea and adopt the practice in the future!</p>

<p>I finally got around to reading the letter my parents sent and I was not embarrassed at all. They wrote about a character trait of mine that they believe made me the person I am. Even though it was a proud letter is was not a bragging letter. It was one of those things that you want to save as a special thing between you and your parents.</p>

<p>The letter arrived at my house yesterday (Feb 14), and the deadline is Feb 15. Funny thing is the postman even dropped it into my neighbor’s house, even though her house no. is 93 & mine is 91B (completely different numbers, not like 91A & 91B which might explain the mistake). My dad, who’s the only one who can write in English, is on business trip until the day after tmr, which is well past the deadline.</p>

<p>So, it seems we won’t be sending in the recommendation letter after all :slight_smile: sigh. What crappy postal service… Maybe i’ll still ask him to write one just for fun.</p>