<p>TheDad It doesn't surprise me that an angry former nun would think that way. (Her status as a "former teacher of theology" doesn't impress me at all since most were so misininformed themselves, evidenced by the way they mischaracterized Vat II) </p>
<p>Many nuns (former and current) are singularly focused on the "unfairness" of an all-male priesthood. The Church cannot change that; the Church did not institute the priesthood. The Church is the "bride" of Christ (a feminine image) and the priest (in persona christi) is the "groom". The image is male/female marriage. The image of female/female marriage would not work - obviously. </p>
<p>The angry nuns and other such women need to realize that the most important goal is not for anyone to become a priest, the most important goal should be is to become a saint and live eternally with God in heaven. (The priesthood is NOT a free ticket to heaven!!!)</p>
<p>The Church is the most pro-woman institution on earth and I have proved such time and time again. When Ortho Novo announed in the 60's that is was prepared to mass market "the pill", Pope Paul VI predicted that if birth control became widely used, women would be "used" as sex objects (the objectification of women), women & children would be abused and abandoned more frequently; divorce rate would sky-rocket; pre-marital sex would greatly increase, out-of-wedlock births would increase, and abortion would become accepted (it was illegal at the time and yes, the acceptance of birth control ALWAYS leads to the acceptance of abortion - got to take care of the oopses from birth control failures!!!). Gee, what a surprise, it all came true. How did Pope Paul VI know this? He knows how men are (and yes, single men between 18-30 are BY FAR the largest pro-abortion age group there is- what a surprise!!!!) The Church has always known that a woman's sexuality must be respected.</p>
<p>Frankly as a woman and as a extraordinary minister of the Eucharist, I am VERY much against the idea of girl altar servers. The more girls that become altar servers, the less boys are willing to do it (and altar serving is a great place for boys to begin considering if they have a vocation to the priesthood!) At our last Confirmation, with the bishop (obviously), we had only girl altar servers -- what a shame. What a wonderful opportunity it would have been for some potential priests to be serving at the altar with the bishop. </p>
<p>Our (liberal) pastor has recently acknowledged that he has a hard time getting boys past age 11 to serve as altar servers. That was never a problem when altar servers were all male. Don't be surprised if this pope returns the Church to that rule. His protege, Father Fessio, has been campaigning to end female altar servers (except at all-girls schools) for years. By the way, as it is now, no priest can be made to have female altar servers at his own Masses. Any priest at any time can refuse to have girls (Fr. Fessio has always refused to have girls.)</p>
<p>I could go on and on, giving examples after examples which prove the Church's almost unilateral support for women. If you would like more, I suggest that you read Harvard Law Professor Mary Glendon's many, many writings which support everything I wrote above and more.... She's done her homework; no one can adequately argue with her.</p>