<p>So I recently heard that some parents are mean enough to call admissions offices and say bad things about a student just so their kids have a better chance. That's so sad :( </p>
<p>How true do you think this is, and do the admissions officers really take this into account?</p>
<p>Furthermore, how do you think it differs if a teacher does it? </p>
<p>I never did anything wrong per say, but this one teacher at my school does NOT like me-everyone else is super kind and love me. Not sure if she has the guts to go call admissions... but for some reason, I feel paranoid that she'll somehow get her hands on my list of colleges from my counselor and screw up my applications. lol call me paranoid or too worried, but this is seriously bothersome. </p>
<p>:/ Thanks for any advice!</p>
<p>Unless such criticism is put in one of your teacher recommendations or from your guidance counselor, Don’t worry about that one bit.</p>
<p>For the record it almost certainly does happen but I’m sure admissions officers don’t take it seriously.</p>
<p>I think a teacher’s note would be looked at more than a random parent’s, but I don’t think either of them holds much weight. Even letters of recommendation are not considered official unless it’s written on school letterhead with school seal, and I just can’t imagine any teacher risking their career to send a negative letter in that manner. </p>
<p>Also, when you call the admissions office, many colleges have automatic systems that first defer the caller to a receptionist. Adcoms are busy people so it’s very unlikely that some random call from some random parent will be considered important enough to make it to the person that matters. No need to worry.</p>
<p>Well, since Adcoms aren’t twelve, I’m pretty sure they just ignore stuff like that.</p>
<p>haha ok thank you guys
makes me feel a little better</p>
<p>College counselors at private prep schools have contacts in admissions and will often call to vouch <em>for</em> a student but I’ve never heard of anyone trying to trash a kid.</p>