Wow, you’ve been to how many colleges and universities in how many different departments to discover this? 17? 84? 213? 1?</p>
Modern universal education may have been rooted in Marxism, but for the past century, it has been neither liberal nor conservative, and not political at all. I don’t see any conservatives decrying the ideal of education.</p>
Either Georgetown has been pulling the rug over everybody who thinks it’s a great school, or it went a little like something I’ve seen:</p>
<p>Professor: “And so, we can see that, in practice, the People’s Republic of China has never been communist, but rather a one-country, one-party dictatorship exercising total state control over the market and engaging in state capitalism.”</p>
<p>Student: “No, they were communist.”</p>
<p>Professor: “Why do you think that? What is communism?”</p>
<p>Student: “Communism is a dictatorship where there’s no democracy and no rights to start a business.”</p>
<p>Professor: “Actually, communism is a world, stateless, classless society in which the means of production are controlled by the workers. We went over this, why didn’t you learn it?”</p>
<p>Student: “I’m not going to parrot back your liberal agenda!”</p>
<p>Professor: “But I’m not communist, I’m just trying to teach you what communism is, like I taught capitalism and socialism.”</p>
<p><em>RateMyProfessors review turns up that week saying professor pushes a communist agenda</em></p>
<p>Or was it physics/astronomy? While the last example really happened, here’s a hypothetical:</p>
<p>Professor: “The Big Bang, a rapid expansion of matter at the dawn of the universe, occurred approximately 13.7 billion years ago, causin–”</p>
<p>Student: “Who says!”</p>
<p>Professor: "… The body of physical science? Georges Lema</p>