<p>Hi Parents,</p>
<p>I've posted this in the Penn forum but didn't receive much satisfying replies. </p>
<p>I'm an international applying to Wharton this fall for class of '11. After having discussed with my parents we decided not to apply for financial aid (so to increase chances for admission). Now I wanted to get some details about the process in advance before the stressy fall period. I'm planning to visit US and Penn this summer but nevertheless I would appreciate your own thaughts and advice here:</p>
<p>Q) Your supposed to disclose a certification showing your ability to pay for the education and go without finaid. Now what exactly is this certificate?
Is it from the bank or tax authorities? Im wondering because my parents were planning to take a bigger bank loan so I need to know the nature of this certification and if it means that one needs to take the loan at the same time as sending the application.</p>
<p>I would appreciate any help on this matter.</p>