Parents might move out of state! Help!

<p>I have been living in California for 2 years now and graduated from a CA HS. I submitted my SLR and it has to be approved, but there’s no reason for them to deny me CA residency because I meet all of the requirements.
I am going to be a freshman this year, but my parents are considering moving to another state.
I checked the Berkeley website and this is all that I found :</p>



<p>According to this, I should be able to attend Berkeley and pay in state tuition, but the problem is that I am not a minor, I am 18 and will turn 19 soon.
I really don’t know what to do, I worked extremely hard in high school to get into my dream school but if I have to pay oos fees I won’t be able to afford it.</p>

<p>Try calling them?</p>

<p>The way I read that, they’re talking about minors because that’s the only way the parent’s location matters. In other words, if you’re an adult, then where YOU are matters, and what YOU do matters, not your parents.</p>